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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Minnesota, By the Numbers

3 (AM):
The time we had to leave our house to make it to the airport in time for our 6:00 AM departure.

The number of luggage items we carried with us including: 2 suitcases, 2 car seats, 1 stroller, 1 diaper bag, one backpack for Hannah and one backpack for myself (not to mention the 2 suitcases I sent with Kyle a few days before).

The number of parents traveling on the flight (that would be ME!)

The number of friends that generously served our family and took us to the airport at 3 am and helped us get our bags checked.  It would have been impossible without him.  

The number of hours it took us to get to Minnesota (including a quick stop).  This is also the number of hours Sadie looked like this: 
She was awesome on her first flight ever. 
I am so lucky to have 2 really good travelers. 
Hannah always get complimented on her good behavior when we fly, which is more than can be said for the 7 teenagers sitting in front of us singing...for 3.5 hours of the 4 hour trip.

The number of hours we had to wait for Kyle's flight to arrive from Seattle (he had to end up meeting us in MN due to a short trip to Seattle- more on that later).  We spent those 4 hours at Nickelodeon Land at Mall of America.  Let me just say that Hannah was in HEAVEN! 
She rode this Ferris wheel with Grandpa and was not scared at all!

The number of family members that my girls got to see (many for the first time) and play with.  This included 4 Great Grandparents, 3 great aunts, 3 great uncles, 4 second cousins (or something like that- maybe first cousin once removed- I don't know!), 2 grandparents, 2 aunts, 1 uncle, 1 first cousin, and of course their mom and dad.  Hannah had a blast playing with them all- and I think she was the entertainment on many occasions.
Here are some of them:

Hannah entertaining everyone!

The number of first cousins that Hannah and Sadie have.  Her name is Avery and we hadn't seen her since she was an itty bitty two days old.  She is 6 months older than Sadie and I know these girls will have tons of fun together as they grow older. 

Eskimo Kisses

Hannah tried really hard to get Avery to say "Ma Ma."

Matching outfits...

Such a cutie pie!

Avery thinks she is a 90 year old woman with no teeth. 
This is called her "old lady lips."

Wagon ride

The number of pictures I took in the month of July- I have a lot more to share!


Brie said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! I love Avery's "old lady lips". Ha!

Unknown said...

Oh, man ~ we have the cutest kids! Good job, catching the old lady lips on camera. Cracks me up every time!