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Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Things She Says

Just because I want to remember, here are some cute things Hannah has said lately:

* I was telling Hannah a story about a fox that Kyle and I saw.  My mom then told her that in her neighborhood there have been bear sightings.  Hannah’s reply was, “I wish I could have a fox and a bear at my house but all I have is one snake.”   (Yes, thanks for reminding me.)

* “I protect young boys in elevators.”  A few days prior to this we were out and her friend got his hand stuck in the elevator door.  It was a little traumatic for all of us.

* Today I had the iPod on the shuffle setting and a Christmas song came on.  She listened for a while and said, “Mom, this is Kelsi’s song.  It was when she was born.”  Not really knowing what she was talking about I said, “Yeah, ok.”  Then I heard the line “Gloria, in excelsis Deo!”   Hannah exclaimed, “See mommy!  It is Kelsi’s day!”  

* She was playing chef with Sadie and  while I was “eating my food” I was also looking at something on the computer.  Sadie came over and started banging on the keyboard and I told her, “No, no!”  Hannah looked up and said, “Mommy, don’t speak to my waiter that way.”

* Two of our friends had babies this month and my girls are getting a new cousin in October.  Hannah: “All of my friends are getting babies.  I think Sadie needs a baby too.”

Me: “Oh really?  A brother or a sister?”

Hannah: “A sister.”

Me: “I think if we ever have another baby, Daddy would like a boy.”

Hannah: “We can have and brother AND a sister.  Then everyone will be happy!” 

Thank you, Hannah for having it all figured out for us.  By the way, she is 2 for 2 on her baby predictions so far.  Her last prediction is that Avery is having a sister.  Only time will tell!

* We went over and saw her BFF Callan’s new brother.  Today she said, “Maybe tomorrow Aunt Renee with let Sadie pet Finn.”

Oh, I love that she can talk and carry on conversations with me.  You never know what you are going to get!



Unknown said...

Good job, getting it written down on the blog! All those things are so funny! I especially like the one about the waiter. :) And I really like the picture you have on your header. Super cute.

Emma King said...

You must feel so blessed to have such an precocious burst of sunshine in your midst :)
Also, ditto on Beth's comment, that picture is awesome XD