Ahhh, sisters...
I love these moments*.
Hannah is really great at getting Sadie to smile and laugh and each time she does Hannah says, "She wikes me mommy, she reawwy wikes me!" (Hannah has a problem with saying her L's).
A few weeks ago I overheard Kyle tell Hannah, "Sadie does like you, in fact, she loves you. She is going to be your best friend for the rest of your life."
That made me smile. Ok, it made tears well up in my eyes. I know how true it is.
Sisters- there is nothing like them and it makes my heart happy that each of my girls has a sister.
I'm hoping they have more sisters down the road.
Shhh...don't tell Kyle- he's hoping they will one day have a brother!
* I love these moments when they don't involve, "NOOOO! THAT'S MINE!! DON'T TAKE MY TOYS."
Yeah, I think EVERY little girl with Peterson blood had trouble with the L's. I love it!
Awww, cute! I'm so happy you're one of my sisters, Alexis! xoxo
Mom: Alexis, What is your babies name?
Alexis: Meredith
Mom: Amanda, What is your babies name?
Amanda: Meredith
Just a glimpse of what is to come
Gramma loves this picture too!
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