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Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sadie!



Sadie turned one on Memorial Day and we had a big barbeque to celebrate.  Other than the fact that it was 97 degrees outside, it was a really fun time.  She wasn’t into the cake at all but loved walking around and saying hi to all of her visitors.  She had her one year check up this week and we are blessed to have a healthy and thriving little girl.

At 1 year she:

* Weighs 19 pounds, 9 ounces and is 28 inches tall.  The doctor said, “She’s gotten a little more petite.”  She is in the 25th percentile for weight and the 10th for height. 

* Is walking and trying to run EVERYWHERE!

* Is beginning to love food.  So far her favorites are: turkey, cheese, bread, strawberries, yogurt, bananas, grapes and veggie straws.

* Is learning new words every day.  She can say 13 words so far, which is WAY more than Hannah said at this age.  I think I am doomed because now Hannah never stops talking!

* Loves to ride on Hannah’s trike and in the wagon.

* Likes to climb UP the slides of her new climber toy.

* Still loves the bathtub.

* Is very opinionated but also a very, very sweet girl who loves to laugh.

We love you Sadie bug!



ElissaMLF said...

Aw, happy birthday to Sadie! I LOVE both of the outfits she's wearing in these pictures. In a belated response to a comment you made on Facebook a while back... come on up to Boston anytime! We'd love to see you all. :)

Emma King said...

She's adorable!!
Happy belated birthday, Sadie!!

The Cutter Family said...

Did you make her birthday outfit? She's such a cutie and looks to be full of personality!! I can't believe she's already 1!! I still remember getting your text in church the day she was born .. wasn't that yesterday??